
"The Billings Public Library recently hosted Rick Jenkins, from Safer Libraries Consulting, to provide a training on how to make library space safer for patrons, staff, and library administration. During the course of the three-hour training, Rick showed his deep knowledge of the subject through real-world examples and professional insights. 

Rick's passion for the subject was evident by how sincere and enthusiastic he is about making libraries a better place for all to enjoy. Moreover, his direct, clear, and thorough teaching allows for any library professional, regardless of experience, to apply these shared tools immediately following a training.

Library administration, boards, professional librarians, and support positions--from both public and academic libraries--benefit from Rick's message. I can't wait to share with Rick how his teachings have made the Billings Public Library a safer place for all who enter our doors."

-- Gavin J. Wolter, Executive Director, Billings Public Library

"I work in an urban public library where we often need to communicate with patrons about 'rules of conduct'. Before I started working with Rick about 10 years ago, I struggled with this aspect of our work - somehow, I felt that I had to be a 'tough guy' which was not consistent with my personality. However, I have learned so much from Rick over the years and now feel confident and comfortable establishing boundaries and enforcing rules when needed. Rick has encouraged me and other staff to embrace our own personal style of interacting with patrons, with an emphasis on respect and compassion and 'building bridges'. This has enabled us to have more positive relationships and results. One thing I love about Rick is that he is always happy to listen and give advice customized to your situation. He has helped our staff think through many tricky issues and come up with useful strategies for establishing positive connections with patrons. Rick is well loved throughout our large library system by staff and patrons alike. He has been a superstar member of our excellent Security team, and now is the Lead Security Officer. As a bonus, Rick has a great sense of humor and terrific storytelling skills, so you are sure to enjoy your time with him while also learning a lot about best practices for fostering a safe and welcoming environment for everyone."


-- Paige Chernow, Adult Services Librarian, The Seattle Public Library

"I have worked in libraries for 20 years and have watched our approach to Security and the enforcement of the rules of conduct over time. I have never seen more positive change in our Security team and rules enforcement approach than when Rick Jenkins joined the team. Rick openly reflects on the unlearning he has done in his profession in order to treat our most vulnerable patrons with respect, consideration, and care. Rick walks the talk and brings so much critical thinking, transparent processing, and heart to all that he does. He has so much to share with the library world, and wants us all to grow and learn to be more compassionate in our work and with our communities. You could not ask for a better trainer when it comes to shifting your culture to make our libraries both safer and more welcoming."

-- Misha Stone, Greater Seattle Romance Writers Association Librarian of the Year recipient 2021

"Rick Jenkins’ training has been an invaluable building block for our developing safety team at the Missoula Public Library. His focus on compassion towards patrons of every ilk and gentle correction over traditional, and oftentimes more abrasive, security methods have allowed our team to better serve not only our library, but our community. By inviting all library staff to his seminar he was able to open the eyes of every member to the possibility of a consistently calm and pleasant workplace. We have implemented several of his strategies, especially those regarding patience and de-escalation, and have noticed incredible results during our interactions with patrons."  

-- Brett Bloom, Safety Specialist, Missoula Public Libraries

"The Seattle Public Library Security Team is great because of Rick Jenkins and his leadership. He shows respect, compassion and is a trustworthy gentleman. I am always bragging about Rick and the Security team to everyone I bump into around the city.

"I give my honor and word for this Security Division."

-- Charles Johnson, Patron, The Seattle Public Library

"These trainings are already serving as a useful springboard for further productive building-wide conversations around safety and de-escalation practices.

[Rick is] doing really good and important work, and the library community is better for having [him] in it."

-- Natalie, University of Montana

"When Missoula Public Library opened its brand new 4 story building it came with safety and security challenges we had never experienced in the past. Rick provided our staff with the best library-focused de-escalation training that I have ever experienced! Coming from a place of empathy and mindfulness, Rick gave our staff the skills to approach difficult situations in effective and caring ways. With real life examples and sample language, Rick's approach to library safety is one every public library should embody."

-- Amanda Allpress, Assistant Director of Operations, Missoula Public Library

"[Rick Jenkins' training] on safety at the library, was excellent. It certainly was a reality check. I walked out of there with more awareness -  especially with bigger libraries’ issues and the scope of what they are dealing with. Many times I have thought our branch libraries are very idyllic ….much like the smaller towns [they are in]. But none of us are immune to society’s inconsistencies and atrocities. It only takes one bad event to set it off."

-- Connie, Branch Manager, Latah County Library

"Throughout my ten years in the Library system, I've learned so much from Rick through his conflict de-escalation training and modeling. At first, staff struggled to balance the long list of rules of conduct with providing a welcoming space and building relationships with patrons. But through Rick's support and guidance, our branch has become a cohesive team. We now feel confident in engaging with patrons when an issue comes up and because of the skills we've learned from Rick, we are able to de-escalate the majority of interactions and turn them into positive experiences. Rick leads with compassion and empathy and stresses centering the humanity of our patrons in each interaction. This approach with patrons, his lack of ego, the fact that he's constantly checking in with staff to ensure that we're ok, offering to walk us through scenarios, and reviewing talking points have made him an invaluable member of our team. Rick has been instrumental in evolving the culture and approach not just at our branch, but the entire Library system."

-- Kristy Gale, Teen Services Librarian, The Seattle Public Library